Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tales Around The Campfire...

What is it that makes us want to tell stories...? Long before a lot of people could even read or write, traditions and ways of life were passed on by word of mouth, often sitting around a communal campfire...

 Adults and children alike would listen intently to the stories of family or tribal elders. They were older, had lived their lives and seen many things. Now,  it was their obligation to pass on what they knew, what they had seen, to the younger ones...
Long ago, there was a closeness among groups or families. This, sometimes harsh existence, was all people knew and there was no wandering off to the mall or any other distractions that we have today. This was their extremely limited world and what the old ones told was the all there was. Someday, the younger ones would grow up and  have their own experiences. Then, it would be their turn to lead and pass their stories on...

We have come a long way since then, but despite the fact that many more now, can read and write, We  have many more distractions; so many paths leading away from home and family. I find it disturbing that many families don't even sit together around the dinner table...I remember when I was kid we all washed our hands and came to the table when it was time to eat. It seems now, that a lot of families would rather eat in front of a TV and never mind talking to each other.

What I DO find encouraging is the fact that, no matter how many modern distractions there are now(malls, TV, Video games), when someone suggests CAMPING...most are all for it; Time to leave the city and get back to a simpler place that we all use to know. Back to the campfire, but this time EVERYONE has a tale to tell AND this time we have MARSHMALLOWS to roast...
Somethings change... Times change... Still, I believe SOMEWHERE in the back of our minds we STILL remember who we once were...A family, a group, a tribe, all warming ourselves around a campfire, listening to Grandfather tell us what it use to be like... in his time...

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